Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Fantasy Cricket League 2009

Greetings Fantasy League Entrants.
With one moving up, one moving down and eight moving nowhere, for the final time this year, here we go again with the week’s top three scorers:
Top team this week are Mark Heslington’s “April Showers” who made the grade and got fifth.
Pete Blackburn’s “Snapper’s Suppas” got the second biggest score in a late attempt to snatch Third.
However, the third best score this week was more than enough for Mal Pinfield’s “Who’s coming second” to maintain and claim first spot, collect £35.00 and be crowned Champions for 2009. The prize of £10.00 for second place goes to Pete Willis’ “Beached Whale XV” and there was in the end owt for Chris Rowland’s “Nowt for Nowt XV”, £5.00, for coming third.
Thank you for taking part and let’s hope we will all be back next year, pay our entrance fee and have another exiting Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club Fantasy Cricket League.
Until next year.

M A Heslington.
Club Secretary.
Well done Mal.

2008 Final Results - 2007 Final Results - 2006: Final results  - 2005: Final results  - 2004: Final results  - 2003: Final Results 2002 Results - 2001 Results - 2000 Results - 1999 Results
Daily Telegraph Fantasy Cricket Website

Statistics by Mark Heslington
Web Site by Paul Fearon
Last Update 23rd Oct 2009

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2009